Transitional Financing

Transitional Financing

Jefferson County, OR – $756,500 These farmers had excellent credit and equity in their real estate, but were referred to us because their farm had some losses and their 3-year average cash flow did not meet a bank’s requirements. We were able to look at the...
Bridge Financing

Bridge Financing

Umatilla County, OR – $1,375,000 Our borrower has a rather unusual property for sale, and wanted to take care of some business obligations by refinancing the property. We took the property for sale along with a leased farm property and funded the his immediate...
Organic Financing

Organic Financing

Marion County, OR – $767,000 This loan was to a Oregon dairy farmer who had recently converted his dairy to organic – a three year process. Although he now has substantially better income, there were problems he needed to take care of. We were able to refinance...
Agricultural Refinance

Agricultural Refinance

Lake County, OR- $200,750 Our borrower requested that we refinance some interest only and high interest debt as part of their overall restructure of family business debt. We provided term debt that met their requirements, including semi-annual payments to match their...
Ranch Refinancing

Ranch Refinancing

Klamath County, OR – $2,000,000 This borrower needed cash out for investment purposes on a ranch operation that had been recently retooled from a recreational property to an operation that generates income and would be able to support reasonable debt. Since the...
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