Multi-Collateral Loan in Sacramento County, CA
Loan Amount * $525,000 Rate * 7.99% Appraised Value * $1,520,000 Term * 18 months, IO Lien Position * First Our Borrower owned a mixed-use property free and clear and wanted to use the equity to purchase a restaurant. We were able to make the loan by securing both...
Small Farm w Hobby Vineyard in Sonoma County
Loan Amount * $850,000 Rate * 11.89% Appraised Value * $1,825,000 Term * 10 years, Fully Amortizing Lien Position * First Our Borrower was in contract to purchase this home with a hobby vineyard in Sonoma County. Conventional financing is not an option so we made the...
Refi on Mixed-use property in Humboldt County.
Loan Amount * $240,000 Rate * 8.99% Appraised Value * $500,000 Term * 24 months, IO Lien Position * First Our Borrowers acquired a mixed-use property and needed to refinance. The Borrowers are opening a business on the first floor and needed time to stabilize the...
20 Acre Farm with Homestead in Humboldt County
Loan Amount * $540,000 Rate * 11.14% Appraised Value * $818,000 Term * 15 years, Amortizing Lien Position * First Our Borrower was in contract to purchase a 20-acre farm in Humboldt County and traditional financing was difficult for two reasons: loan size and acreage....