Helping Take Care of Business

Helping Take Care of Business

Calousa County, CA – $510,000 These farmers are great customers of the banks who referred them to us during a tight cash flow period. This family operation needed transitional assistance with prior year supplier accounts and current year expenses. As we...
When The Bank Can’t Help

When The Bank Can’t Help

Tuolumne County, CA – $1,425,000 This excellent customer of the referring bank needed short term financing on unimproved subdivision land, a type of loan the bank was not making. We made the loan secured by a first on the unimproved land, with a second on a...
Golf Community Development

Golf Community Development

McDowell County, NC – $2,300,000 We helped a borrower who had a very short window of time to purchase and restart development of a stalled golf community. We worked in partnership with another lender to structure a deal that provided sufficient flexibility for...
When Income Isn’t Stabilized

When Income Isn’t Stabilized

Shasta County, CA – $1,475,000 The borrowers recently completed the second phase of a new self-storage facility. Their bank was not comfortable offering them a take out loan until they stabilized the income. So we stepped in to make the loan that will bridge...
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