Tax Advantages of Real Estate Investing
Investing in real estate can have positive tax consequences for you and your financial portfolio. Understanding the ways in which your real estate investing activities can help you save money on your taxes will allow you to make the most practical decisions regarding...
Steps For Purchasing a Commercial Real Estate Property
If you are interested in purchasing commercial real estate (CRE), a few simple steps will help you determine the right approach for your investment needs. The CRE acquisition process is usually fairly straightforward. Your first step should be to figure out why you...
Political Issues That May Impact CRE in the New Year
Events and activities in the political arena can have a significant impact on the commercial real estate marketplace. For investors, keeping a close eye on the current political environment will often provide greater insight into the likely effects on real estate...
Emerging Trends in Commercial Real Estate for 2020
The commercial real estate market has been remarkably stable over the past few years. While some signs indicate that CRE growth and profitability may be slowing, many experts in the real estate field are looking at the forecast released by the Congressional Budget...