Lastly, the HVCRE rules have made it very difficult for traditional lenders by enforcing a limit on the implied equity they are allowed to demand. All these factors, when combined, have gone on to make it nearly impossible for an ordinary borrower to successfully qualify for construction loans from banks.

Secondly, private lenders are able to intuitively customize your real estate loan to fit your unique needs and even circumstances. You will always be spoilt for choices in terms of the loans you may pick from. This includes development loans, short-term construction loans, collateralized loans, hard money lending to name just but a few. In many situations, alternative commercial real estate financing may prove to be the best or even the very last option for numerous new borrowers.
As these financial institutions are not hampered by the new regulations governing the industry, private money lenders are known to go to great lengths to proactively engage new borrowers. This enables them to bring more value and flexibility to the table, especially when contrasted with most traditional lenders in California, Washington, Oregon, Arizona, Idaho and the surrounding states. So make the smart choice today and call ReProp Financial to bring your commercial real estate development dream into a reality!